Code all your pages in HTML. This can be accomplished in
a number of ways. You could use an HTML add on to your favorite word processor,
or use a dedicated HTML authoring tool, or use a text editor such as the
one available through the pine mail program, the macintosh simple text,
or windows notepad. Help with HTML codes, style guides, color codes,
and other topics of interest to an HTML author you can try the werbach
WWW help site. Tip: make sure that your filenames
in your HTML document is in all lower case. A common
problem experienced is not finding your graphics once you have transferred
your files to the server. many times this is caused by the filenames
in your HTML document being in uppercase and the filenames on the UNIX server
being in lower case. The problem lies in the fact that the UNIX server
sees PUBLIC.HTML as a different file from public.html but Macintosh and
windows/DOS do not.
Tip: make sure that your filenames do not have any spaces in their names.
Our server sees "my file.txt" as 2 files, the file "my" and the file
"file.txt". Neither will work for the intended purpose.
The process of transferring your HTML documents to your account space
is managed by using an FTP client. In your account space you will
find a directory called public_html. Save your home page in your
public_html directory. This directory is the only directory where your
pages may reside. This is primarily a security consideration. You don't
want access however trivial to your home directory. Saving
your page to your public_html directory is a simple process if you use
an FTP client such as the macintosh Fetch or WS_FTP for windows.
WS_FTP for windows and the general process of using an FTP client
is covered in depth in Using
FTP to put a home page up. Other possibilities exist
for transferring your files to the server. In some HTML authoring
tools the transfer process is built right in. It is often referred
to as the publish option or command. Tip: in Netscape
gold the publish directory is not the URL that you use to access your pages
but rather the path to your pages on the home file system.
You may determine the path to your directory in a number of ways.
One logon to the wcnet machine and use the manage your files option to
determine your path name, or use a finger client on your own username,
there are probably other ways. What you will find is a a path in
the form of /home/71/username/ where the 71 may be any two digit
number and the username will be the same as your login name.
Name your home page index.html. By naming your home page to index.html,
you make your page the default for that directory. That is to say that
when someone browses your URL http://www.wcnet.org/~jqpublic/ If an index.html
is present it is displayed. Make sure that the file is named exactly index.html,
not Index.Html or index.htm, or any other of the possible combinations.
It should be all lower case and end in the four letter html ending.
Wait 1 day, the program that updates the Subscriber Pages runs late at night.
Your Home Page is accessable already, just not in the Subscriber Page listing.
Go to the Home Pages of our
Subscribers Page
, this is where your name
will appear if you got all this right.
Your name should have been automatically added to the list. If you do not
see your name here
send email to the helpdesk.
Example of your home page URL
If your username is jqpublic, your home page URL is: http://www.wcnet.org/~jqpublic/
More complete explanations of most of the terms and found in this document
can be found elsewhere in these Help pages.